Categories for: Blog

Things to Keep in Mind When Buying a Swingset Online

Things to Keep in Mind When Buying a Swingset Online
July 19, 2023

Are you looking to purchase a swing set online? Do not make the mistake of an impulse purchase. You might end up with a swing set that is too big for your yard or not the right size for your kids. However, if you follow some basic tips for buying a swingset online, you can get the perfect one for... View Article

Building a Swingset vs. Buying One

Building a Swingset vs. Buying One
June 14, 2023

Swingsets are an unmatched way for children growing up to have some safe and supervised fun. Swingsets are like the multi-tool of fun; they provide slides, ladders, swings, stairs, faux tree houses, monkey bars, running around, and lots more you can imagine! Sometimes, they aren’t the most inexpensive item around. So that begs the question – which is the better... View Article

Choosing the Right Outdoor Playset For your Child’s Age

Choosing the Right Outdoor Playset For your Child’s Age
May 17, 2023

Outdoor play is essential for all, but even more so for children. With the rise of technology and screens, some kids lost the beauty of the great outdoors to spend all day inside looking at a screen. But outdoor play remains an important part of your child’s health, and the best and easiest way to get them safely outside is... View Article

Swingsets for Your Child’s New Kingdom

Titan Treehouse XL 9 swingset with children playing on it
April 19, 2023

The foundations for quality childhood experiences include swingsets for your child. Whether it’s only a few swings or a pirate ship’s worth of fun, swingsets are made for creating memories. So, here are some of our swingsets for your child’s new swingset kingdom! Cedar Swingsets Cedar swingsets are a perfect choice for those looking to stay close to nature and... View Article

Tips for Choosing a Commercial Playset for Your Organization

a commercial playset in a park for an organization
March 22, 2023

Looking at adding a commercial playset to your organization? If so, you are probably already aware that they can be a substantial investment. For that reason, it is important to get the best value for your money. That is why we have put together some tips to help you pick the right commercial playset for you. Consider the Size of... View Article

Carpenter Bees and Wooden Swingsets What You Should Know

March 13, 2023

Carpenter Bees can be a nuisance, even for those who have top-quality Cedar or Redwood swing sets or wooden playground accessories in New Jersey. If you are wondering, “Are bees attracted to cedar wood?”, you are correct. These bees are common across the Northeast and love these types of woods as much as you do! Carpenter Bee Tunnels While they... View Article

Swingsets vs Trampolines

a swingset and trampoline next to each other in the backyard grass
February 15, 2023

You remember what it was like to be a kid. Swingsets were fun and very engaging and were almost in everyone’s backyard, including yours. They were familiar enough to not be that boring, but everyone’s swingset was unique enough to provide something different. But then there was always the one friend who had a trampoline in their backyard. That was... View Article

What is a Unique Gift Idea?

basketball hoop outside as a unique gift idea for kids
December 7, 2022

With the holidays fast approaching, maybe you are trying to think outside the box for a unique gift idea for your kids. Maybe you are the type of parent to value going outside and getting some excellent physical activity in. Maybe you enjoy the peace of mind that the kids are out of the house, but not too far away... View Article

How to Ensure the Outdoor Shed I Want Is the Perfect Size

How to Ensure the Outdoor Shed I Want Is the Perfect Size
November 16, 2022

What is the perfect size for your outdoor shed? It depends on several different things. You need to keep them all in mind when picking out your shed. First things first, how big is your available space? No matter how you answer the other questions, you are going to be limited by the size of your available space. So, you... View Article

Is My Yard Able to Accommodate a Play Set from Swingset Warehouse?

Yard Able to Accommodate a Play Set
August 17, 2022

Have you been thinking about getting a play set? They are a great investment for your yard. Swingsets can give your kids years of healthy outdoor play and make the most of your yard. However, not all yards are right for play sets. At Swingset Warehouse, we are committed to safety. Safe installation of a play set means looking at... View Article